WARNING:....This is just my opinion! :P
Now, I know they aren't as HOT as "Little Lady", and I probably shouldn't even wear them while I drive the HOT car, BUT they are so dang comterfull(like my Aaron say's it~~a whole different Blog post).
I ordered these last week from PIPERLIME~~they were on sale with free shipping. So I thought I'll order these to wear around the house. Well, I opened the box today and thought "Hmmmm these are UGLY! But, the fur sure feels soft~~so I guess I'll try them on." UMMMMMM, CHELLO(said like me and a few select friends), these shoes are YUMMY! I know, I know, now your thinking they are UGLY and she is wasting a post on them! Well, they are and I am! HAHA! Even though they are UGLY, I felt that they deserved a little "Shout Out!" Maybe, I'll get them in a few other colors...